Officer Sabin Macastena picks up Officer Marigona Beadini in the police transport van to take her to the Special Operation Police base near Prishtina, Kosovo on July 23, 2017. Beadini gets picked up almost everyday to go to the base, at an always changing schedule.
Officers Sabin Macastena, left, Edmond Jakupi, center, and Marigona Beadini, right, take a moment to drink coffee before heading to the Special Operations base, near Prishtina, Kosovo on July 23, 2017. Sitting at the coffee shop the three officers debate about conflict strategy.
Officer Marigona Beadini stands and talks to some of her colleagues in front of their room at the Special Operations base Vrella, Kosovo on July 23, 2017. Beadini has a separate room at the other side of the hallway, that she occasionally shares with the other three women in the Prishtina division of the Special Operation's unit.
Officer Marigona Beadini usually starts her days training with a run before continuing to work out in the gym at the Special Operations base in Vrella, Kosovo on July 23, 2017. Beadini believes that "If you have the willpower to do something, no-one can stop you"
Officer Marigona Beadini trains during her shift at the Special Operations base Vrella, Kosovo on July 20, 2017. Before joining the police force Beadini spent 18 years doing karate and boxing, winning many championships.
Officer Marigona Beadini sits alone watching T.V. while waiting for a call at the Special Operations base in Vrella, Kosovo on July 20, 2017. Even while her entire shift is surrounded by the men in her unit, Beadini will find moments of quite to spend time alone. She will watch T.V., read a book, and on nice nights sit outside looking over the city.
Officer Marigona Beadini sits at a roadside restaurant with four of her fellow officers, (left to right) Bardhyl Bylukbashi, Nexhmedin Vllasaliu, Sabin Macastena, Edmond Jakupi, and restaurant employee, center right, near Prishtina, Kosovo on July 23, 2017. "We are a family... you work and train with them, you have to have faith in them" says Beadini.
Getting ready to leave for the night, Officer Marigona Beadini puts her uniform back on, at the Special Operations base in Vrella, Kosovo on July 23, 2017. Officers are supposed to be in uniform while on shift and off of base.
Officer Marigona Beadini departs the Special Operations base as the night winds down to run a quick errand in Vrella, Kosovo on July 20, 2017. "One of the things that I like most about this job, it is a humanitarian job, and even though it is dangerous, I help people and am close to the people" says Marigona (translated from Albanian)