Paul Papadakos eats dinner by himself at his brother's house, where he lives, in Pittsford N.Y. on Nov. 30, 2016. Paul Papadakos is 57 years and has Down Syndrome, trisomy 21. Paul has lived with his brother, Peter Papadakos, and his step-sister, Susan Dantoni, since 1998. "He is really very old for someone with Down Syndrome" says Susan. Although, when Paul was born, the life expectancy was around 25 years Paul has no signs of failing health.

Susan Dantoni shaves Paul at their house in Pittsford, N.Y. on Nov. 11, 2016. "Paul is pretty self-sufficient, I just have to shave him occasionally... I also make sure his clothes are appropriate" Susan describes. Although Paul needs help with some of the more complicated things like shaving and cooking food, he will dress, eat, and bathe by himself.

Peter Papadakos, Paul's brother, gives him a kiss during Paul's birthday dinner at Red Lobster in Henrietta N.Y. on Dec. 29, 2016. Even though the entire family says they hate the restaurant, because it is Paul's favorite restaurant they go there every year for his birthday. "He came upstairs this morning and pointed at the calendar and told me 'Red Lobster Day'" recalled Susan.

During the day Paul attends Cobblestone Arts Center, a day rehab center in Farmington, NY. As the Holidays approach the center puts on a performance, where all of the members participate. This year Cobblestone is putting on "The Nut Cracker' which consists of many choreographed dance scenes.

Paul watches his scene partner as the Cobblestone staff explain what they will be doing during the holiday performance at Cobblestone Arts Center in Farmsville, N.Y. on Dec. 7, 2016. Paul Papadakos is very hard of hearing, something that Susan thinks is more related to his age than the Down Syndrome. Even after going to speech therapy for a year Paul's communication skills are very bad; he can not hear or speak well.

Paul Papadakos struggles to go down the stairs after returning from Cobblestone Arts Center at his home in Pittsford N.Y. on Dec 7, 2016. Paul is afraid of stairs, so when he goes up or down the stairs in the house he does it by sitting down and scooting up or down; and for stairs that are not at his house he will grip the railing very tightly. "He will literally hold your hand so tight it will go numb." Susan says.

Paul plays with his golf set in his basement apartment at his home in Pittsford, N.Y. on Nov. 30, 2016. "He will play golf downstairs for hours" Susan says. Along with playing golf Paul will also watch T.V., Disney Channel being his favorite show.

Paul heads to bed after a few hours of playing golf and watching TV at 11:42pm at his house in Pittsford, N.Y. on Dec 5, 2016. Paul sticks to a very stable schedule where he always goes to bed between 11:30 and 12:00pm. Peter, Paul's brother, recalls how his dad always watched the Yankee games with Paul as a child which would end around 11:30pm; Peter speculates that because of this Paul got into the habit of going to bed at that time.